Backyard gardeners and market growers have learned from experience that there really is a difference in vegetable varieties. Not only in how they perform, but also in how they taste. If you like to garden, or are thinking about gardening, then Territorial Seed Company‘s catalogs contain just about all the help you need.
Unique to Territorial Seed Company is their 44-acre trial grounds and organic research farm, located in London Springs, Oregon. Each year Territorial’s research staff grows and evaluates thousands of varieties. Those available in their catalogs have been grown at their trial grounds and have passed stringent quality requirements. They offer seeds for over 800 vegetable, herb, flower, cover crop, and sprouting varieties. These seeds are not genetically modified or engineered.
At Territorial, they pay close attention to how long it takes for vegetables such as corn and cauliflower to be ready for harvest. They seek out varieties that fill openings in days to maturity from a common planting date so that gardeners can be assured of having good tasting fresh-from-the-garden food all season long. Also important to them are cultivars rich in vital nutrients. They also offer a wide range of high-quality vegetable, herb, and flower plants, garlic, potatoes, and garden accessories.
Territorial Seed Company publishes two catalogs yearly, one each for spring and winter gardening, and both are chocked full of planting and growing tips. Call for a catalog or visit their website.