
Give your home a total makeover with help from a furniture company that has an unbridled passion for design. Kardiel draws inspiration from all eras of Modernism from the 50s through the 70s, including contemporary and Scandinavian designs. Every original design is designed and rendered by Kardiel, and every product uses natural materials for your benefit.

Coupon Codes

Save 15-33% off Sitewide

On Going Offer

45% Off Le Corbusier Style LC3 Chair

On Going Offer

Sign up and get $100 off your first purchase over $1,000

On Going Offer

Up to $1600 Off Wegner Wing Chair

On Going Offer

Shopping Tips

How to Contact Kardiel?

If you have any questions, then you should contact the Kardiel customer support team. There are several ways to contact them. You can call them at 1-877-844-4988. This is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can also call them Saturday or Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Unlike many companies, you can also text message this number as well. There are two email address available for questions depending on your question. If you have questions about products and general inquiries, then contact sales@kardiel.com. If you have questions about shipping, then contact service@kardiel.com.

How to Use Kardiel Coupons?

Using a Kardiel coupon might seem a little confusing at first, but it’s actually very easy. Start by picking any items you wish to purchase. It doesn’t matter if you’re getting one or multiple items, but you will need to add them to your cart before proceeding. Access the cart page by clicking the shopping cart icon in the upper-right corner. To the right you will see all the items in your cart and the overall price. There will be a link listed as “Coupon/Gift Certificate.” Click this and paste your coupon code into the text box. Click the “Apply” button and the savings will be applied to your order. Some discounts, such as shipping, won’t appear until you have added your address and picked a shipping option.

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Druni Perfumerías. Tienda online de perfumes. Recibe en casa al mejor precio los mejores productos de perfumería, maquillaje y cosmética.

Consigue Un Descuento De Hasta 67% En Protectores Solares

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Consigue Un Descuento De Hasta 60% En Peluquería Profesional

On Going Offer

Consigue Un Descuento De Hasta 30% En Desmacosmética Corporal

On Going Offer

Consigue Hasta Un Descuento De 66% En Perfumes Femeninos

On Going Offer


Recuerda que las ventajas del Club de Perfumería son aplicables y están vigentes para las compras realizadas en nuestras tiendas físicas y nuestra tienda online www.druni.es. Si eres soci@ del Club de Perfumería puedes consultar tus puntos introduciendo tu D.N.I.

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LaTostadora ES

La camiseta es una prenda a la que le tenemos mucho cariño gracias a su versatilidad y facilidad de combinación. Es el comodín que tenemos en todos los armarios y que podemos vestir tanto en ocasiones formales como informales. No importa si es una camiseta blanca, una camiseta negra o del color que sea, siempre irá bien combinado con unos buenos tejanos, una falda, leggins, joggers, etc! Desde laTostadora te ofrecemos camisetas con un gramaje de 190 y 100% algodón peinado, contamos con una amplia gama de colores y tallas, de mujer hasta la XXL y hombre hasta 4XL. Un estilo oversize, grunge, deportivo, formal, con el que tu te sientas más cómodo/a y puedas expresarte. Existe una variedad interminable de conjuntos a crear, sólo tienes que dejar volar tu imaginación. 

Exclusivo 25% dto. en tazas

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-15% con 3 unidades

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Obtenga regalos para hombres y mujeres

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Regalos para ocasiones especiales

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En laTostadora se imprime cada producto que nos pides especialmente para tí. Por eso, no podemos devolverlo al estante para el próximo comprador, aún así, nuestro interés es que sea cual sea el producto que hayas comprado estés completamente satisfecho con nuestra política de devolución y es por eso que te ofrecemos

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Wenn Sie einen Kontist Gutschein vorliegen haben, ist es ganz einfach diesen einzulösen. Lesen Sie diese, Schritt für Schritt Anleitung, Sie werden sehen wie schnell es geht.

Optimiert Für Smartphone Sichern

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Professionelle Steuerberater, Digital Organisiert

On Going Offer

10.000+ Selbständige Vertrauen Auf Kontist

On Going Offer

Die All-in-One-Lösung Für Selbständige

On Going Offer

Empowerment für Selbständige.

Unsere Mission ist es, das Leben von Selbständigen zu vereinfachen. Dafür setzen wir uns mit der Kontist Stiftung ein und bieten außerdem umfangreiche kostenlose Ressourcen zum Wachsen und Austauschen.

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Бренд Belle YOU создает нижнее белье и одежду, в которой любая женщина чувствует себя гармонично. Наши коллекции отличаются лаконичным дизайном, качественными материалами и удобными фасонами различных размеров и форм. Мы делаем ставку на комфорт и создаем белье, в котором вы можете быть собой.

Скидки до 50% на товары со скидкой

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Подарочная упаковка Small Now 550 руб.

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Скидка 90% на каждый заказ

On Going Offer

Бесплатная доставка заказов свыше 8000 руб.

On Going Offer

Для оплаты (ввода реквизитов Вашей карты) Вы будете перенаправлены на платежный шлюз Сбербанка. Соединение с платежным шлюзом и передача информации осуществляется в защищенном режиме с использованием протокола шифрования SSL. В случае если Ваш банк поддерживает технологию безопасного проведения интернет-платежей Verified By Visa или MasterCard SecureCode для проведения платежа также может потребоваться ввод специального пароля.

Настоящий сайт поддерживает 256-битное шифрование. Конфиденциальность сообщаемой персональной информации обеспечивается Сбербанком. Введенная информация не будет предоставлена третьим лицам за исключением случаев, предусмотренных законодательством РФ. Проведение платежей по банковским картам осуществляется в строгом соответствии с требованиями платежных систем МИР, Visa Int. и MasterCard Europe Sprl.

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Sitly IT

Sitly è stato creato dai genitori, per i genitori. Vogliamo che i tuoi figli siano in buone mani e vogliamo che tu ti senta a tuo agio quando non puoi stare con loro. Sitly è oggi la piattaforma in più rapida crescita in cui genitori e babysitter possono connettersi. Fondata in Olanda nel 2009, Sitly è oggi attiva in 12 paesi, conta oltre 2 milioni di utenti registrati ed è composta da un team di 28 persone.

Trova una babysitter o un lavoro da babysitter nel raggio di 500 metri

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10% di sconto sul tuo primo ordine

On Going Offer

Babysitter da 6€/ora

On Going Offer

Babysitter con esperienza e referenze

On Going Offer

Come funziona:

  • Imposta i tuo parametri di ricerca e trova babysitter in zona.
  • Guarda i profili per avere informazioni su esperienza, referenze, disponibilità e molto altro.
  • Contatta baby sitter e fissa un colloquio.
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Founded in 1996 under the successful Calzedonia Group, a famous Italian clothing brand, Intimissimi Italy seeks to create high-quality items that are beautiful and expressive. Specializing in women’s clothes but also offering a sizable number of men’s styles, this brand sets the benchmark when it comes to tying together comfort, emotion, and style. Intimissimi Italy focuses on cutting-edge materials and fabrics in creating fashionable collections. From regular clothes to intimates, you can expect quality and sophistication from this brand.

Coupon Codes

10% Off Sitewide

On Going Offer

Ultralight Cashmere 2 For $50

On Going Offer

10% Off When You Sign Up For Loyalty Program

On Going Offer

3 Panties For $25

On Going Offer

Shopping Tips

An Italian lingerie shop, Intimissimi outfits men and women in elegant undergarments. The chic shop offers a variety of intimates, including:

  • Silk, satin, cotton, and lace bras and panties.
  • Negligees, night dresses, and pajamas.
  • Bridal bras, briefs, and accessories.
  • Boxers, briefs, and men’s shirts.
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Tom Tailor

Мы – бренд повседневной одежды созданный, выросший и расположенный в Гамбурге. Наша суть – одежда для повседневной жизни. Для нас это не просто дресс-код, это глубоко укоренившийся образ мышления. Подход к бизнесу и жизни. Мы прошли долгий путь с 1962 года, когда была создана наша первая одежда. Но концепция Уве Шредера о современном образе и продукции высокого качества ведет нас по сей день.

Промокод на скидку 30% в Tom Tailor

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Скидка 30% на всё при покупке 3х вещей

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Скидка 50% в интернет-магазине TOM TAILOR

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Скидка 25% на зимний гардероб в Tom Tailor

On Going Offer
Теперь осуществлять возврат стало еще удобнее!

Мы вводим новое преимущество для наших лояльных клиентов: вы может вернуть покупку, совершенную в розничном магазине или интернет-магазине в течение 365 дней со дня покупки, если товар не был в использовании, сохранен его товарный вид и потребительские свойства.

Правило «Возврат 365 дней» действует для клиентов, которые на момент совершения покупки состояли в программе лояльности. Если клиент на момент покупки не был в программе лояльности, то вернуть товар можно в стандартный срок, согласно Закону о правах потребителя.

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Find the newest trends in women’s clothing for every season when you shop with online discount codes at Cupshe. Whether you need a cozy coat for winter or a sexy two-piece bikini set for summer fun, Cupshe offers a wide range of factory-direct clothing available at the lowest prices.

Coupon Codes

Free Contiguous US & CA shipping on orders $49+

On Going Offer

Up to $30 Off With Minimum Spend

On Going Offer

10% off orders over $65 with Email Sign Up

On Going Offer

Up to 43% off select Best Sellers

On Going Offer

Shopping Tips

You can save even more during your next shopping spree with Cupshe discount codes, allowing you to revamp your wardrobe with various clothing items, including:

  • Cardigans, fleece coats, casual sweatshirts, and other outerwear options to keep you warm
  • Maxi dresses, high-waisted skirts, and rompers for a look that combines elegance with comfort
  • Chic swimwear, including one-piece swimsuits and two-piece bikinis
  • Essential accessories for any outfit, including jewelry, tights, socks, and scarves

Treat your closet to an updated collection of the newest fashion trends available at special discounts with Cupshe discount codes.

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Fairy Season

Fairyseason is your one-stop-shop for fashion essentials and they have something to match every trend, every occasion and every season. Whether you’re looking for a sexy or scary Halloween outfit, a new dress for an evening out or some casual attire for around the house, you can find it all on Fairyseason.

Shopping Tips

How to Redeem a Fairy Season Coupon Code?

Before you can redeem your Fairy Season coupon code, fill your shopping cart with chic clothing, lingerie, swimwear or accessories. When you’re finished shopping, click the “View Cart” button. Scan your itemized shopping cart list for accuracy, and then click “Checkout” to continue. On the Checkout page, you’ll first have to enter the relevant shipping and payment information. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see a box that says “Input Coupon Code Here.” Type your Fairy Season coupon code into the designated area and click “Apply,” and your order total should automatically update to reflect your discount.

How to contact the Fairy Season Support Team?

If you need to contact the Fairy Season support staff, use the website’s query form to ask questions about refunds, delivery, payment and more.

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