Whether you just want a more secure connection or you’re trying to access sites that aren’t available in your region, Hide My Ass! VPN services are the best option on the Internet for keeping all your online activity safe. Secure your connection with full encryptions, and enjoy features like faster speeds, a favorites list, one-click connection, and the ability to choose from more than 190 locations.
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Monthly Plan Now $11.99

12-Month Plan Now $6.99/Month

42% off 12-Month Prepaid Plan
No lie: it’s possible. See, when you use a VPN, before you go to the website or service you want to use, your connection first hops to one of our remote servers. This is not an instantaneous process, so if someone in the US connects to a server in India to visit their local mayor’s website, their data is effectively traveling around the world — twice — to reach their screen: from their router to the HMA server in India, to the mayor’s website that’s likely hosted on a server in the states, then back to the server in India, then back to their router.
If your connection is fast enough, and you connect to one of our high-speed servers, the slowdown will be so negligible you won’t notice it. If your connection is slow, and you connect to one of our more remote servers, there’s likely to be a noticeable slowdown.
Fortunately, we have tools like Lightning Connect and Speed Test that’ll ensure you never have to worry about any slowdown when you’re keeping yourself private online with HMA VPN.